Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How Does One Become Empowered...

So... I'm a professional feminist and I am empowered and tough and out to get the male patriarchy. Yet somehow I am still also obessive-compulsive about the cleanliness of my house, the attractiveness of my personal presentation and the new Disney movie coming out. I am beginning to feel a black hole forming somewhere in my brain created by this battle of good and evil forces. I know as an empowered, liberated, tough, brilliant woman that I have immense value no matter if my sweater has fuzzies, I have an extra 10 pounds on my frame or my dining room really does need to be vacumed before my inlaws come for dinner. However, I also know as the woman raised by my amazing and admirable mother that I do not have guests over with a dirty house, I do not appear at work with lint, pilling or fuzzies on my sweater (or with wrinkles in my slacks for that matter) and that I am beautiful no matter what size I wear. As you can see only one out of three of my conundrums have jelled. To that effect the one that jelled is the one most adamently agreed with by society at large. This leads me to feelings of conflict and I am afraid these feelings will only end with me further developing the Superwoman complex that most women in today's society are afflicted by. For I feel that I must somehow in one fell swoop stop my son's school from celbrating Columbus day, pass legislation in support of same-sex marriage, please my conservative extended family, kick butt at my job, clean my house spotless, make an organic from-scratch dinner that my child will eat and praise my husband who does a truely amazing job of trying to keep our marriage an even partnership. Just typing that wore me out and now I want to go see the Princess and the Toad. Except wait.... I don't approve of Disney or their Princesses. But I love all the beautiful artistry I grew up with as a child and how the good hard-working people always had their dreams come true and the fantastically evil villan got what was coming to them. Hmm... there we go again there's that inner conflict that leads me astray down the path of fallen Superwomen who went before me. So the question I pose to you my other feminists is this... How do I become truely Empowered? It seems that the more I read, advocate and work the more confused and conflicted I become. There are some essential truths in my feminist world... my house must be clean and my partner must help me keep it that way - even if he doesn't believe it's dirty; I want to look presentable at work based on my own standards and not because of a fashion magazine so it's okay I took 10 minutes to defuzz my sweater and that the issues I fight as a professional feminist are so deeply entwined with every part of my life and the fabric of our society that I'm not sure if I'll ever not feel that black hole inside my head.

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